The 2020 Recap

Taking an extra side job didn’t leave much extra time for developing the Red Hat Factory brand, second quarter of 2020. And then we slid directly into a sweet long vacation. But the vacation brought new clarity.
When we got away from the grind, chilled on my parents lawn, rock climbed with friends and family, travelled into the mountains, swam the ocean, it happened what usually happens — inspiration came creeping; half made ideas coalesced in the silence.

Now we will start the year off by focusing on our new concept called Channels. As you know if you follow us, we focused a lot on inviting other passionate craftspeople and adventurers to share their stories on our page in the beginning of the year. Now we are shifting up to next gear.
For starters, all our own categories have been assigned a Channel — Adventure Stories probably being the most interesting one. However, that is just for starters.
A few select allies will have a Channel on the Red Hat Factory site, where they will share things that the Red Hatter community appreciates. I’ll be leaning back and enjoying the content they put out, just like you. I can’t wait.
I will introduce our first external Channels in the (very) near future.
EDIT: Channels for allies has been sidelined for our new 2021 pure beanie focus.
New product on the horizon
Right before vacation, we also released a pair of wool socks. And that is just the beginning of the expansion. Behind the scenes, my mother has been designing a very own knitting pattern for a Red Hat Factory sweater — and I got to see it and test it this summer. It will eventually be revealed in all its glory, but I swear, it is something special.
NOTE: The sweater is awesome, but we’re not selling it for the moment.
More time, more content
This fall, I chose to put many side projects on ice, to let Red Hat Factory get the love it deserves. That makes me tremendously excited for what is to come. I’ll have a major focus on all that is going on right here.
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