Tag: Knit Beanie | Red Hat Factory

Tag: Knit Beanie

An archive page for Red Hat Factory Stories

Turning a Labour of Love Into a Job

I have always admired and sought after the feeling of being able to go to work and enjoy your craft together with friends. No stress, only good company and the satisfaction of a job well done. The world has a way of pushing against this, turning up the heat, and demanding slightly more than you can produce. At times, I think we should push back.

Category: Red Hat Culture Red Hat Culture

No Bull, Just Wool

The words handmade, organic, authentic, and such are thrown around so lightly. It’s almost like a stamp of approval you have to have on your products. We do not want to jump on that band wagon just for the sake of it – we want no bull, just wool.

Category: Red Hat Culture Red Hat Culture